Walking and Park Exercises no need for Gym over 50s.
In this video I take you through some great exercises you can include on your walk when passing by a playground or park. Walking is the king of exercise but you do need a bit more for upper body strength, spinal mobility and fitness. Simply finding a park bench, a hanging bar or other exercise equipment that may be in your local park will do the trick. No need to join the gym. I want you to never just walk past or just sit down again when you see a park/playground.
It’s the little things you do regularly that add up over the years. I love this video and I think you will too.
Just add that little bit extra in on top of your walk and be 15 years younger!
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#outdooryoga #yogainthepark #yogawithjackie #parkexercises #yogaoutdoor #outdoorworkout