
Easy Yoga Exercises to Square up Shoulders over 50s.
If you would like to learn some easy yoga exercises to square up your shoulders in order to improve your posture, breathe more freely, improve blood flow to the brain and have more energy then follow along with me in this recording of one of my popular 60 minute zoom classes. If you value promoting healthy ageing and disease prevention then do the work on your body and NEVER stop. The older and stiffer you are the more you need it. It’s never too late but don’t leave it too late!

All the exercises have easy options and after you’ve finished you will feel so positive about yourself and how committed you are to looking after yourself.



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#squareupshoulders #fixroundedshoulders #yogawithjackie #easystretches #backexercisesforseniors #stretchestostraightenspine