
Free Videos

practise at home for free with these easy to follow exercises
Perfect whole body stretch for stiff over 50s

Perfect whole body stretch for stiff over 50s

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IULoffOnsuU Stretching for Old stiff people. If you're over 50 and feeling a bit stiff then spend a quality 24 mins on your precious body as I guide you through an easy and enjoyable whole body stretch. You can't stop ageing but you can...

Change your life with this 10 min mindfulness meditation

Change your life with this 10 min mindfulness meditation

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbye-fzD8i4 Mindfulness Meditation 10 minutes Guided After teaching Yoga and mindfulness meditation for 27 years I have helped 1000s of people to heal their body and mind. In this video I take you through my daily 10 minute mindfulness...

Important upper body exercises for over 50s

Important upper body exercises for over 50s

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkMoJEIObjM Shoulder Mobility and Strength Exercises If you would like to slow down body ageing and prevent rounded posture and frailty in old age then you must do these exercises at least once per week. In this video I guide you...

Complete yoga class for inflexible beginners

Complete yoga class for inflexible beginners

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcXHiER0bzE Yoga for Over 50 years old If you are a beginner or over 50 then you should follow along with this yoga class recording. All the students in the class are over 60 but don't let that fool you - the exercises are strong, and I...

Excellent over 40s yoga sequence

Excellent over 40s yoga sequence

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy9dBf3ckBk Yoga over 40s This video is yoga for beginners and/or over 40s. It is a perfectly balanced sequence of exercises for strength, flexibility, balance and relaxation. I hope you can do it over and over. Stay strong and mobile...

Great yoga routine for beginners over 50

Great yoga routine for beginners over 50

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xndk0xu_lI Yoga Over 50s Beginners. If you are over 50 and/or a beginner to yoga then try this video. It is a great 35 minute Yoga routine working on flexibility, balance, strength and relaxation. If you value having a great time in...

Perfect blend of Yoga & Pilates for over 50s

Perfect blend of Yoga & Pilates for over 50s

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtbeYtyZMdU Pilates and Yoga Exercises for over 50s. If you are over 50 and would like to have fun until a very old age then you better do these Pilates and Yoga exercises regularly. Staying strong and mobile after age 50 is not going...

Is your body feeling old? Try these easy exercises

Is your body feeling old? Try these easy exercises

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsUWAYR6-0A Stretching for Stiff Body. If you would like to slow body ageing and feel your best into very old age then you should follow along with me as I guide you through 25 minutes of safe, simple and enjoyable exercises. The whole...

Stretching routine for very stiff over 60s

Stretching routine for very stiff over 60s

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CtldGPEpEk Stretching for Very Stiff over 60 If you are older and/or very stiff then do your body a favour and follow along with me in this gentle and enjoyable stretching routine. It is quality time looking after yourself. Feel your...

Strength and mobility class with master teacher

Strength and mobility class with master teacher

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGPKOVcaVgE Yoga and Pilates for Beginners over 40. Do you want have a younger, stronger and more relaxed body? Try this 40 minute routine of bodyweight exercises with me and you will immediately feel a difference. Your body is...