
Ankle Mobility Exercises
In this 10 minute video I take you through the best exercises you should practice regularly to cultivate strong and mobile ankles and feet. Your ankles and feet are the foundations of your whole body and maintaining ankle strength and mobility is important for balance, walking, running, posture, knee, hip and spinal health. Your health is the MOST IMPORTANT THING after 50, and you should not take it for granted. Put some effort into your body, and especially your feet.

The bad news is your feet and ankles get stiff and weak with age. The good news is that if you practice these exercises they can become stronger and more flexible as you get older. It’s NEVER too late to work on your joints and make them 15 YEARS YOUNGER!

Love Jackie

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#anklemobility #anklestrengthening #yogawithjackie #ankleexercises